Hiring Greatness

Specialists in social care recruitment

Any agency can fill a job. Care home operators hire us to fix their hiring permanently.
Charles Hayes

Retained Search

Bespoke search for key positions

We work with you to build a strategy to map the entirety of the candidate market, both active and passive.  The best people are directly approached.  

Ideal for when you simply can’t afford to hire the wrong person. 

Managed Hiring

Fully managed, outsouced hiring

We work with you to build and implement a bespoke end-to-end hiring strategy, that consistently finds and hires the best people.

Ideal for smaller providers looking for a long-term, economical alternative to regular agency use.

Specialised Recruiting

No-hire no-fee recruitment

We bring our expertise, contacts and tech to augment your hiring team.

Ideal for providers who are dealing with surge demand and require a safe pair of extra hands, or are having trouble with difficult, specialised vacancies.

About Us

Who we are

The biggest determinant of the success or failure of any organisation is the people within it.

Most operators struggle to hire internally, they throw a job up online and cross their fingers.  Often, this fails.  The temp bills are starting to stack up and panic sets in.  At this point they’ll turn to an agency, often the last one who sent a speculative CV.  Perhaps this works.  You pay your invoice and fill your job, but the issue still remains.  

Very few providers take the logical next step of looking into why they can’t reliably hire great people.  Many wouldn’t know where to start, many would just rather not think about it.  

If you’ve read this far, maybe you’re ready to make some changes.  Perhaps you’re ready to let Gordon Ramsay inspect your walk-in freezer.  Or perhaps you just want to chat to us about an important job that’s proving tough to fill.  Either way, let’s talk.

Why Us

Our difference

Unflinching transparency

Our partners trust us because we know honesty is non-negotiable.  We believe in full disclosure and we expect the same in return.  No hiding bad facts. 

We’ll give honest advice even if you don’t want to hear it, or if it’s not in our interest.  If a position is unmarketable, we’ll tell you.  If the candidate you want to hire isn’t quite right, we’ll tell you.  If you don’t need us to fill a job, we’ll tell you.

Great hiring involves understanding that it’s equally important to explore why someone shouldn’t join your team, to why they should.  

Continuous learning

Just as a great lawyer practices the skill of a closing argument, a great recruiter hones the delivery of your message;  How they approach your future employees; How they answer their questions; How they deliver a job offer. 

We’re laser focused on honing and delivering the right message with the right person at the right time.  This applies not just to ad copy, but to every single interaction we have with your future employees. 

Every campaign we run, we learn from our experiences.  Interactions with both our partners and their prospective employees, yields lessons for us.  Lessons which we convert into action for our homes.

Human first, tech second

Other agencies rely on one of two models; first the boiler room agency; lots of young, inexperienced consultants armed with just a phone and an email address.  The second variety uses tech to spam mailers to candidates and spec CVs to companies. 

Our model is neither entirely manual, nor automated.  We believe that the future of recruiting centres on a vanguard of elite consultants, with tech and specialised support personnel serve as a force-multiplier.  

The great recruiter is set out by their market knowledge, their communication.  We augment the consultant with